Darius LoL S12 : Build Guides Runes, Items and Skill Order [League of Legends]
League of Legends Season 12: Guide you in all aspects of playing Darius: Runes, Items, combo, counter and Skill Order. This is the build you want to go for playing Darius.
Role: Fighter
Difficuty: Low
- PASSIVE – HEMORRHAGE: Darius’ attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Darius enrages and gains massive Attack Damage when his target reaches max stacks.
- Q – DECIMATE: Darius winds up and swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies struck by the blade take more damage than those struck by the handle. Darius heals based on enemy champions and large monsters hit by the blade.
- W – CRIPPLING STRIKE: Darius’s next attack strikes an enemy’s crucial artery. As they bleed out, their Movement Speed is slowed.
- E – APPREHEND: Darius hones his axe, passively causing his physical damage to ignore a percentage of his target’s Armor. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe’s hook and pulls them to him.
- R – NOXIAN GUILLOTINE: Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed for a brief duration.
Darius’s Pros and Cons
- Strong early game
- Massive lane bully
- Strong mid game
- Big team fight threat
- Can 2v1 in lane
- Tanky with damage
- Adaptive build paths
- Strong carry potential
- Predictable trade patterns
- Immobile
- Easily kited
- Vulnerable to ganks
- Reliant on summoner spells
- Lots of counters in lane
- Falls off late game
Darius’s Summoner Spells
Darius’s Items
Mythic items
Core Build Path
Core Build Order
Darius’s Runes
Ability Order
Q -> E -> W
Combo Darius
E > AA > W > Q > AA > AA > R > FLASH > AA > R
Darius Counter
Best Picks vs Darius
Worst Picks vs Darius
Early Game: Always ask yourself about the game state and match up before you get into the game. Every single time you have an extra 75g on a base pick up a Control Ward.
Mid Game: Darius should be primarily focused on using his 1 and 2-item power spike to skirmish/team fight when possible.
Late game: You can either split push and try to draw pressure in the side lane, or force fights with your team. If you are not, or have been outscaled by something like Jax in the side lane, then you are best off grouping and forcing objectives with your team.
Orther Champion